Christians Against Poverty

CAP We have Helped Over 50 People Out Of Debt So Far…

May we help you?
For local free, confidential help please call
Ian 07504 507347
Lesley 07594 256177
Or call the CAP national debt line free on 0800 328 0006

To book a FREE confidential visit and start your journey out of debt today
West Hallam Methodist Church and Elim Christian Centre, supported by Ilkeston Methodist Church, have joined forces with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) to provide their FREE debt counselling services across the Ilkeston and Heanor areas. The organisation works through local Churches in such a way that people can respond to the love of Jesus. It seeks to influence government policy and is recommended by Martin Lewis on his website ‘money saving expert’.

A CAP Debt Centre is not a place but a process. People from all walks of life and just like you, if you’re reading this, telephone CAP FREE, on 0800 328 0006 to request help. One of our local debt coaches makes contact with the enquirer and collects all the financial information. Emergency help may be provided. On receipt of all details CAP analyse the situation, recommend a way forward and seek the client’s agreement. Support is offered, FREE of charge to the client, from start to finish, until they become debt free.
Ian Robertson and Lesley Tooley, are our trained debt coaches, trained to provide a totally FREE and confidential service for those that find themselves in debt and need to find a way out.

Ian is also Centre Manager and says:
“Typically, debts can build up when a relationship breaks down, someone loses their job, or through bereavement-so often when people are least able to cope with a financial headache. We hope over the next few years to help countless local people and families, regardless of their age, gender, faith or background, to put their debt nightmares behind them and start a new life. At the same time through our support we make it clear that we are sharing the love of Jesus with them”

If you or anyone you know, hear of anyone living in the DE7 , DE75. NG16 subcodes 1-4  postcode areas who needs help with debt simply encourage them to call 0800 328 0006 now. We’re here to help